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“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

Philippians 4:8

Hello and welcome! 

My name is Grace Martin Wolfe, and I am an artist, art instructor, and muralist. Whether you are here to look at my art classes or consider my work for your use, I hope you like what you see. I pride myself on creating artwork and classes that are professional, unique, and uplifting.


I am 25 years old with a bachelor's degree in English and Communication and a minor in Art from Regent University in 2021. I live in North Carolina and am married to the most amazing husband, Josiah. I love my family and my church, creating art and glorifying God in it all! 

When I'm not painting, you will find me outside gardening, thrift shopping, playing with my cat Chips, reading a historical fiction book, or hanging out with my best friend and husband!




"Thank you so much for such a wonderful art class this summer!! [My daughter] has really enjoyed it! You are SO talented and such a great teacher... I love hearing/watching how you interact and teach the kiddos with so much joy and enthusiasm.  We've done a handful of online art classes and this has been our favorite by far, so thank you!!"


"Grace Wolfe, and the instruction she's provided, have been a sweet spot for our daughter these last two years. We love how accessible you've made excellent art instruction and the heart behind your work!"


 "I signed him up for your class last year...because he didn't like to draw. Now, it is his favorite part!  Thank you for teaching him some wonderful skills and helping him find a new hobby!"


I won grand champion with my [art project from class]  at my county fair! Thank you so much  for being my teacher, I want to be just like you when I grow up. I really enjoyed class. 


My instructor (Grace) is a great encourager!  She has great ideas and comes up with very interesting subjects to paint."


"She’s a lot of fun and is very patient. She’ll wait with you at the end of class if you haven’t finished the project."

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